Breakdown at Work!
Bentley launches the first automated Work Packaging solution for the construction industry with its ProjectWise Construction Work Package Server.
Cities - machines for living
Frederic Dot, Global Industry Development Director, Dassault Systèmes, looks at the effects of digitally modelling cities to improve efficiency, security and public services
Sign of the times
Signing off construction documents adds unnecessary time and opportunities for fraud in the construction industry, says Ronan Lavelle, the UK Country Manager for ARX
The real cost of rebar
Celsa Steel Service used Tekla Structures to enhance its reinforcement production - a BIM process that enabled the company to focus on the total cost of reinforcement
Construction activity grows again
The latest Construction Trade Survey has found that construction activity rose again in the first quarter of the year - the first time in six years that the industry has enjoyed four consecutive quarters of growth in activity. Firms across all areas of construction reported increased output
Graphisoft ArchiCAD 18 introduces CineRender's 4D rendering engine
Graphisoft has announced ArchiCAD 18. The new release includes CineRender, a brand new render engine with high-end photorealistic rendering capabilities found only in the professional visualisation application CINEMA 4D – which is now available inside the BIM tool
Edgewise structure gets to the point
The newly released EdgeWise Structure from ClearEdge3D can quickly and accurately extract properly specified steel, concrete or wood structural members from laser scan point clouds
World in motion
Oasys Software's MassMotion delivers 3D crowd simulation that’s scalable for projects of all sizes |
4Projects by Viewpoint adds 4BIM to its Cloud-based Enterprise Collaboration solutions, providing the prospect of real savings within the construction industry, says David Chadwick
BIM? It's Adoddle
Facilitating the way people talk together - that's the focus of Asite's Adoddle, a Corporate Collaboration solution whose name belies the scope of the application, says David Chadwick
The fine art of printing
Epson uses 'monozukuri' - the art and science of manufacturing - to produce its latest range of PrecisionCore Technology-based CAD and MFP printers
Welcome to the June 2014 Newsletter.
It's all coming together nicely. Now that we have the construction elements of CAD working together, sharing processes and data, and honing the tools that allow disparate construction software users to talk to each other and share information- and, in general, seeing a certain level of maturity being approached in building design and construction, we are bringing in the rest of the teams involved in the construction process – project and material management, delivery scheduling, work allocation, and instructions imparted to construction teams.
The management of the process is now taking centre stage, the opportunities for further refinement and cost savings being reduced in the design and construction phases. With project data now being required by all team members, much of it in non-CAD formats, the way in which information is being delivered, work allocated and instructions imparted – and the general management of a project – are being scrutinised and enhanced.
Hence the introduction by Bentley and 4Projects of the concept of work packages as a means of improving efficiency in a project, via Servers, or as a SaaS (Software as a Service) solution – and, with a slightly different flavour, perhaps, Asites' Collaborative BIM – a total project management solution.
David Chadwick
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