Hitting a high note in 2014
The monthly Markit/CIPS survey of purchasing managers in the construction industry is consistently reporting increased confidence levels in the industry, reflecting figures hitting a seven year high in both residential and commercial construction - and in employment too - due in part to budget boosts for new development projects and supportive funding conditions
Total Immersion
Digital creativity experts, Soluis, have extended their virtual and augmented reality capabilities with two new acquisitions.
Material world
Art Systems, distributors of Stratasys Printers, have worked with Materialise to produce usable 3D models of building components in finer detail - and with textures and architectural features intact. David Chadwick reports
Sky’s the limit for new DEFRA deal
Aerial mapping companies Getmapping and Bluesky have been awarded a multi-million pound contract for the supply of geographic data to Central Government organisations
Gauging river levels via twitter streams
GaugeMap is Shoothill's take on the Environment Agency's River Levels On the Internet but in GaugeMap, over 2400 river level gauges from England and Wales are now live and viewable on a single online map
Robert Woodhead selects Union Square
Robert Woodhead Limited delivers public and private construction projects across a range of sectors, including conservation, refurbishment and repairs and maintenance for clients across the East Midlands and South Yorkshire. 2013 saw Robert Woodhead Limited increase its turnover by 16% off the back of a strong summer, in which they also secured over £18m of contracts for 2014
The 15,000 piece glass jigsaw
Looking at the very first sketches by Frank Gehry for Fondation Louis Vuitton, a new museum of contemporary art, the challenge of the endeavour is apparent. This is the kind of building that would not have been possible to construct without a comprehensive approach to BIM |
Buy and Try
Professional printers like HP's new Designjet T3500 eMFP deserve the highest levels of professional sales and support, writes David Chadwick
Welcome to the August 2014 Newsletter.
The Hammers 2014
This year has passed remarkably quickly, and we are only a few short months away from this year's Hammers Awards – the event hosted by Construction Computing that celebrates those companies and software developers that are driving the industry forwards. So, although you might just be recovering from the fabulous summer we have just had, slapping on the Calamine lotion, or looking forward to packing the kids off to school again, you might just like to spend a short amount of time going through our list of categories - and nominating one or two companies you think worthy of winning one of our popular awards.
We have made a couple of small changes to the categories that reflect the dominant themes within the industry – chiefly the growing importance of the cloud, mobile computing and BIM. We have also added to the projects categories that are judged by our panel. The main nominations and votes, though, come from yourselves – a truly democratic process that I have no access to or knowledge of until the winners are finally decided. I just have to come up with an Editor's Choice – a hard decision this year – having to narrow down a sizeable list of possibilities. And don't forget to book a table for your company for a great evening's entertainment
David Chadwick
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