GreenSpec move to tackle 'Greenwash'
GreenSpec's PASS Green Building Products label aims to help design professionals and the self-build audience easily identify what are truly green construction products from the ever-growing 'greenwash' that are now 'out there'
Vectorworks Student Design Scholarship
Nemetschek Vectorworks Inc and Computers Unlimited, the UK distributors of Vectorworks, are launching the second Design Scholarship in both architecture and landscape
Causeway solutions deliver control
Causeway's Tradex eTrading and MyRegister supplier accreditation hosted software solutions are now included in the Crown Commercial Service's G-Cloud 6 framework
2015 Tekla UK awards open for entries
Celebrating its tenth year, the Tekla Awards are now open for entries - continuing to reward the hard work and innovation that goes into solving structural engineering challenges in the construction industry

Case Study |
The Kuip Stadium The structural elements in the design of the retractable roof for the Kuip stadium in Rotterdam were achieved with the help of Oasys' structural design software and its new linear analysis tools
 Software Review |
Watch your Assets
Process Safety and Risk Management Capabilities are added to the latest version of AssetWise APM - V7.3, Bentley’s Asset Performance Management methodology
Free and Easy
David Chadwick describes the free-form concept creation, using Vectorworks' amazing set of modelling tools
Asta Powerproject and BIM
Asta Powerproject hones its capabilities in Version 13, whilst providing access to the application\'s BIM version and 4D planning
Optimum 3D Printing You can make a rational choice and get up to £1,000 off a new Stratasys 3D desktop printer with ArtSystems' new trade-in programme
Glasgow goes Ultra Environmental Glasgow City Council, with the help of IES, has embarked on a couple of environmental projects to boost the energy-saving potential of its citizens and notable buildings
Vectorworks tops BIM poll
Polling is rife throughout the land, but here's one with a result you didn't expect. Amongst the plethora of very useful charts in the NBS National BIM Report 2015 compiled from their BIM survey last year, the company that came out top when asked the question 'When producing drawings, which of the following tools do you mainly use?' ...was Nemetschek Vectorworks, with 29% - Revit came 2nd with 25% and AutoCAD just 15%. The authors qualified the figures by suggesting that the loyal and enthusiastic Vectorworks user base was perhaps a bit more proactive when it comes to answering surveys.
Apologies for selecting just one chart for my headlines - you will see a lot of that this week - but the NBS report, available as a free download from their website, includes a wealth of results about all aspects of BIM, outlining how effective the Governments strategy has been in bringing the construction industry on board with the help of the BIM Task Group. They provide a useful check against your own experiences - are you a leader, or being left behind. The 40 page report comes with some very instructive articles from notedBIM specialists - good reading when you get bored with politics. By the way, what will happen to the BIM initiative if we have a change of Government?
David Chadwick
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