Abvent announces Twinmotion 2018 v2
Abvent Group has launched Twinmotion 2018 v2, a major update to its award-winning 3D immersion software developed especially for architects, designers, landscapers and urban planners

Trimble acquires Stabiplan
Trimble has acquired Stabiplan B.V. based in Bodegraven, Netherlands, a 3D CAD/CAE software and BIM content provider for the Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) industries in Europe
BIM content gets stylish online
BIMobject has released two BIMobject Content Style Guides for digital building product creation, to encourage standardised, high-quality BIM content in the industry
Vectorworks design Summit 2018
The 2018 Vectorworks Design Summit will take place from November 4 to November 6, 2018 in Phoenix, Arizona at the Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass

Software Review |
Imperatives for change
Industry, Infrastructure and Information are a trio of imperatives that give construction no choice but to continue its drive for change, writes By Ben Taunt at Elecosoft
Mud, mud, inglorious mud!
Failed projects can often provide more valuable lessons than successful ones. Watchet Marina is a case in point

Case Studies |
Vectorworks 2018.
Vectorworks 2018 enhances the Vectorworks portfolio, improving access to a flexible and diverse set of design features

A Digital Strategy
How does Applications 9 from IFS help to counter the 'Carillion Effect'?
Autodesk BIM 360
Lifecycle management for construction projects is enhanced by Autodesk's BIM 360 and the new Connect and Construct Exchange
A seismic challenge
The Grasshopper-ARCHICAD Live Connection V2.0 helped in the digital reconstruction of historic buildings destroyed in the August 2016 earthquakes in Italy
Here’s Mud in your eye – again!
Some interesting points rear their head with the article on Mismanagement with Watchet Marina. As we are not Private Eye I have purposely withheld the names of the people and companies involved. Besides, the intention was to highlight the things that went wrong with the project rather than to draw attention to corruption and scandal – of which there was none – unless you count the crime of spending taxpayers money on a scheme without a coherent plan and overseen by amateurs as worthy of censure. Doomed to failure from the start.
With a selection of questionable schemes in just this little neck of the woods, I am quite concerned how the rest of the country are doing, and which other projects are under way, specified and overseen by local Government bodies, and run by Councillors with no expertise in complex project management, selecting architects and contractors on the wrong terms or the cheapest basis and submitting non-viable plans. What steps can be taken to mitigate the impact of pitting amateur buyers against professional businesses.
I am reminded, as well, about the early days of PFI. I have a Government document which outlines the reasoning behind the tendering process for a couple of projects, which quite clearly shows the jiggery-pokery that they went through to ensure that the cost of to the taxpayer if the Government ran the contract would be higher than the PFI costs – to ensure that the latter was the route chosen. We are still paying the price.
David Chadwick
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