AI in Infrastructure
Artificial Intelligence, integrated with Bentley's Reality Modelling, is set to revolutionise the solving of design and process issues within the infrastructure industry

Technical Focus
Overbuild. WSP (Building over the line)
Bill Price explains the rationale behind WSP's rail overbuild and construction methodology, which is being used to capitalise on London's public assets to build homes for the future

Evolution of a Royal Gold medallist
Sir Nicholas Grimshaw has been awarded the 2019 Royal Gold Medal, the UK's highest honour for architecture, at a special ceremony at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
Ideate Software Enhances its Revit Tools
Ideate Software, a veteran Autodesk Developer Network member, has announced enhancements to its Revit software add-ons, which empowers Revit users to gain unprecedented control over their data

Playing to win in the Built Environment
Students hoping to roll the dice on a career in the built environment are being given a helping hand to climb the career ladder, after an innovative new board game was created to help them learn while they play
RIBA to open Clore Learning Centre
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) will be opening an inspiring new learning space within its central London landmark building on 29 October 2019

Case Study
Obsoletely fabulous
Form filling can be second nature when it becomes part of a successfully completed task, as Re-flow users have discovered in the field
Quick to accommodate
Tekla Structures' offsite modular construction processes help Intelligent Steel Solutions deliver new student accommodation in Westgate, Central Newcastle before the new academic year starts

Software Review
An even Rithm
ClearEdge3D uses Rithm scan data for floor flatness level checking loaded into Autodesk Navisworks
This is the second of our Q & As with EasyBuild. The first considered some of the basic questions asked by prospective EasyBuild clients. Here, we look beyond the most common issues and focus more on management strategies.

The Future of Infrastructure
As the present seems to be very much on hold, it was refreshing to be able to spend a couple of days thinking about the directions we will be taking once we have got this Brexit business sorted out. Bentley Systems hosted a Symposium in their London office last week, which was relayed to Bentley Academies across the world. In two crammed days we learnt about all of the advanced technologies and working practices that will revolutionise infrastructure over the next couple of decades .
We had presentations from companies and individuals at the forefront of the industry and spoke to academic institutions fully engaged in putting technologies together, building Smart Cities, capturing imagery in real time and comparing what's built to what should be built - and, warming to Bentley's principal theme - demonstrating how Digital Twins will act as a catalyst for further technology innovations. We’ll be expanding on a couple of these in the next issue.
The carrot and the stick were wielded either end of the Symposium. Over the weekend prior to the event Bentley hosted the young teams, encouraged by Alison Watson MBE, founder of the Design /Engineer/Construct teaching programme for UK Secondary schools, who competed to present their visions of future cities, focsussing on the Hyperloop, at Bentley's global YII conference in Singapore later this year. The stick was hefted by Keith Clarke, CBE, Chair of UK Future Cities Catapult, who warned us that whatever we were doing was admirable, but fell far short of what needed to be done by 2050 to cope with population increase and increasing urbanisation - to whit, the building of the equivalent of 5 new Europes!
A flavor of the future? Check out Overbuild, from Bill Price at WSP - one of the companies that also figured in Bentley's Symposium.
David Chadwick
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