What's your ratio for winning tenders? 1 in 5 or more? The ability to collect, analyse and share information more efficiently would help you to make business critical decisions faster, and to discard projects you are unlikely to win

Attaining Level 42?
The correlation of concepts in IT is a fascinating subject in its own right, and the very latest, exemplified by the two key players in the industry - Bentley and Autodesk - focuses on future trends within the industry

Vectorworks certified for IFC export
Vectorworks, Inc. has become the first architectural software developer to achieve IFC4 Reference View 1.2 Export Certification (Architectural Reference Exchange)

Verification for approved Document Q
BSI has launched a new verification scheme to help non-manufacturer installers of windows and doors demonstrate compliance with Approved Document Q

Industry Focus
Powerproject XV
Mark Dixon, Head of Development for Powerproject at Elecosoft, explains the challenges facing project managers and talks through the latest iteration of Elecosoft's leading project management software - Powerproject XV
Easybuild QandA
In our third Q an A article in association with EasyBuild we look at some of the issues affecting contractors, house builders, service suppliers and maintenance companies

Case Study
Surfacing Upgrade
Toppesfield explain the benefits that implementing Re-flow has provided on and offsite for their surfacing projects

Software Review |
Don’t be deflected
Deflections should always be considered in the design of slabs, in order to meet serviceability criteria applicable to concrete floor systems. While there are several ways to determine and calculate slab deflections, Tekla Structural Designer is arguably the most capable software solution available. Kenny Arnott, Principal Structural Consultant at Trimble Solutions (UK) Ltd explains why here.

Winning Tenders
Who decides what tenders a company should go after, and what criteria is used to define which of them are most suitable for the company to chase. Do you choose the safest option and stick to the sector you have experience in, and where you may have developed a good reputation, or do you strike out for pastures new, aim for those that will enhance your capabilities and allow you to develop new skills, or challenge your company by tilting at the most prestigious projects?
In short, are your tenders regulated by gut feelings, emotion, insecurity or ambition? Or, do you make an attempt to weigh up the costs involved in a project, and add in a reasonable percentage of error and margin before you drop in the bottom line – the lowest figure you are prepared to charge to give you a fighting chance of winning the tender.
Wherever you come in the line-up of bidding companies, you would be advised to take on board the figures put forward by myConsole that point to the tight margins that companies are working to, compounded by the percentage of tenders they actually win, and the time and effort wasted on those that have no chance before you even start.
Their solution – an application that combines information from all resources assembled to secure a contract, analyses it and presents it in a format which allows you to discard those at the earliest opportunity which you have no chance of winning.
David Chadwick
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