NHS: Paperless by 2018?
SynApps Solutions' Gary Britnell says the best response by the UK health IT community to Jeremy Hunt's recent dismissal of NHS paperless targets is to look at the progress made so far
Transforming the finance landscape
Digital transformation efforts must extend to payments and invoicing in order to achieve greater insight and more efficient business processes, argues Andy Lilley, Regional Director FDA at Bottomline Technologies
Procurement fraud: your new security nightmare
A major challenge for companies, as it is one of the most difficult and complex to investigate, procurement fraud is on the rise - but technology can help, says Howard Frear of EASY Software
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Leading the field
A dynamic two-level approach to process management has sharpened the competitive edge at Swiss insurer Die Mobiliar
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Welcome to our October eNewsletter, which includes news announcements and feature content relating to the NHS and its use of document and content management technologies. A paper-free NHS was a direction that has been regularly discussed by Jeremy Hunt (and other health secretaries before him), senior stakeholders in the NHS and by Trust IT managers to find ways to deliver against it. Only last year, Hunt announced that he had received an extra £4bn to help Trusts get there.
Earlier this year though, it emerged that Hunt had told MPs he was "quite relieved most people seem to have forgotten" the target. If by ‘most people’ he meant the general public, he may well be right, even if we don’t agree that it is something he should feel ‘relieved’ about. Within the DM/ECM industry however, there is no question that the aim of a paperless NHS is still very much on our radar, and we will continue to report on progress – or the lack of it – in our pages.
David Tyler
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