The pillars of GDPR compliance
Most of the provisions and stipulations of the EU GDPR boil down to one simple thing: data governance. By putting solid data governance practices in place you'll be well on your way to compliance, explains Florian Douetteau, CEO of Dataiku
Kodak i1190WN
Almost a year ago we took a look at the then newly released i1190 from Kodak Alaris, and at first glance there is little - apart from the branding - to distinguish the WN variant from the model we reviewed then
Built to scale
Specialist charity fundraising organisation Woods Group realised that its existing mailroom operation was not just limited in its functionality, but also incapable of scaling with the business as it planned for future growth. DM Magazine spoke to Head of Operations Martin Kirk about how a new software-focused approach has enabled a truly flexible and future-proof capture strategy
Document Manager Resource Guide (DMRG) |
About the DMRG
The Document Manager Resource Guide aims to bring you the information you need, in the format of most use to you. Whether you are comparing hardware suppliers, sourcing relevant resellers, or looking for a new system development, this online directory offers the most comprehensive resource available for this market. Click here to find out more
Storetec Services
Storetec is a market leader in delivering document scanning and document storage to businesses across the UK.
TwoFold Ltd
Twofold’s primary aim is to help your organisation deal with an ever increasing volume of paper and data through enterprise content capture and content management solutions.
Welcome to April’s Document Manager eNewsletter, which includes a timely reminder of the importance of adequate governance strategies in planning for GDPR; just in case you need reminding, the new legislation comes into force on May 25th. With every passing week there are troubling news stories of organisations which still seem woefully under-prepared for the changes despite almost constant coverage in titles like ours.
With this in mind, our next print issue includes an unprecedentedly large ‘special focus’ section with almost half of the magazine given over to in-depth content covering every aspect of GDPR from subject Access Requests to data mapping, from making sure your cloud service providers are ready to facilitating discovery – everything you ever wanted to know about GDPR is there. It will be landing on desks in just a week or two, so make sure you keep an eye out for your copy!
David Tyler
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