Welcome to the first Document Manager eNewsletter of 2020, which includes a timely research article from Kyocera Document Solutions which argues, as the UK continues down the Brexit road, that we are falling behind neighbouring nations in our adoption of digitisation technologies. Whilst 61% of UK companies surveyed have digitalised at least half of their business documents, that rate is lower than four of the seven other countries surveyed: the Netherlands, Italy, Turkey, and Spain. In fact, 12% of UK organisations admit to barely having digitalised any of their documents, a figure which is double that of Spain and Italy.
"We are seeing that UK companies face a variety of challenges such as securing vital information and storing documentation, without realising that easy solutions exist and are on the market in the form of document management solutions such as Content Services," explained Kyocera’s Michael Powell. "The UK leads the way in some departments, such as Logistics and Legal, but significantly lags behind in both digitalisation and automation of areas such as Sales and Procurement. Such disparity between departments is reflective of the way in which companies are transitioning, and therefore still have some way to go."
Let’s hope that a newly 'independent' UK can catch up with its rivals before the gap becomes insurmountable.
David Tyler
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