The Document Manager eNewsletter for February includes a thought-provoking analysis from Harvey Spencer of the RPA market and how it is impacting the traditional capture sector. Harvey argues that the growth in RPA deployments has begin to ‘stall’ as users realise that there are significant shortfalls in many offerings, especially when it comes to integration with line-of-business applications and workflows. The robotics vendors are having to adapt their own offerings - or work alongside traditional process automation companies - in order to properly add value.
New partnerships abound, as Harvey explains: “Partnerships with traditional capture vendors are increasing with Automation Anywhere OEM'd by IBM who integrates it with Datacap and Content Analyzer, its new Capture 2.0 product. UiPath has been partnering with HyperScience and ABBYY FlexiCapture (interestingly ABBYY also announced a plan to acquire TimelinePI to improve its workflow). Kryon has a partnership with ABBYY, while Softomotive has partnered with CaptureFast.”
At the same time companies including Kofax and Pega are working hard to promote their own RPA offerings alongside their existing capture/process strengths. Robotics isn’t going away in our sector any time soon, but you need to keep a close eye on this rapidly evolving market.
David Tyler
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