Welcome to our August eNewsletter, which includes an interesting viewpoint on disaster recovery and data protection from KPMG’s Nick Amin, who avoids the usual vendor/solution specific angles we have all seen many times in our magazine, focusing more on the planning and preparation issues for businesses.
As Nick points out, a staggering 93% of businesses - SMEs and large enterprises alike - that aren't prepared for disaster, are forced to go out of business within just one year of their data being ravaged by an unexpected disaster. He goes on to say: “Adequate preparation for a data-loss disaster is often dismissed as the initial cost can seem daunting, but this neglect could result in the downfall of your business if disaster strikes!”
It is hard to imagine that organisations in these difficult times might be put off of DR planning by the potential upfront cost, but if true, it is a conversation we perhaps all need to be having more frequently and more loudly.
David Tyler, Editor Storage magazine
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